Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Body Detox Part 1

Detox is short for detoxification, Although detox is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the term is also used to refer to diets, herbs, and other methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health. The reasoning behind this is to clean the major functions of the liver, lower gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Many of you have heard of detoxing the body. There is no way to be completely free of toxins. Our world is filled with them and we literally ingest thousands of different type of toxins throughout the day that are so imbedded in our food, our water, our air, there is no escaping it. But what we can do is get rid of as much as possible in our bodies. Doing this will help our bodies grab more minerals and vitamins from our food than we did before. There are a lot of detoxifying programs out there from juicing, to fasting. Most of it is just diet.

Many foods are considered detoxifying. First and foremost is water. Water is extremely important in your diet. It helps to eliminate toxic waste.Your body also uses more water than you realize. Your main organs are the ones that need it most. The brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. They will pull water from other "lesser" important organs and parts of the body so that they can function normally. When you start to feel dehydrated it's too late. Drinking plenty of water ensures that all of your body functions normally and that no organ has to pull water away from another part of your body just to do its job. Non-chlorinated, filtered water is great for you. It is recommended that you take half of your body weight and drink that in ounces for your water intake, for instance if you weight 190lbs, half of that would be 80 lbs., so you should drink 80 ounces of water a day. Now I personally think that this is a LOT of FREAKIN water. If you are not used to drinking water this is killer. Try starting out with 36 ounces of water a day until you get used to that and then build up from there. Don't like the taste of water? There are now choices in your tea/kool aid aisle at the grocery store that have these handy little packets of lemon and lime to add to your water. They are dehydrated crystals. No sugar, aspartame or sucrose included. I have not been able to find anything yet without sweeteners that are non-citrus, sorry guys.

Now you can also get water from veggies and fruit. In fact if you are the type to put on water weight easily try eating your water. Most veggies and fruit are over 85% water, so if you like veggies be sure to add more to your diet. Veggies and fruit are also a great detoxifying food. Most are better in the antioxidant/detoxifying stage if eaten raw. Unfortunately a lot of us don't like to eat raw veggies. If you must cook them, steam your veggies until they turn into a nice bright color. If you have cooked them until the color has turned dull you have cooked all the vitamins and minerals out of your vegetable.

Another way of getting veggies into your system is homemade soup made with as little salt as possible. So where can you get flavor? God didn't leave us with anything. Herbs are great for adding flavor to soup or just about anything and are also benefiting to the body. Onions and celery have salt naturally in them, which is why you find these items in low-salt diet recipes all the time. For a great listing of veggies and their benefits click or copy/paste here.

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