Monday, December 28, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR! The year is over and a new one is beginning

2009 was a year of firsts for me. Let be begin by saying that I have come to the realization that I am a picky eater. It all seems normal to me until I look outside myself and realize that to the general public I don't like much of anything at all. Then add veganism to it and it really looks like there is nothing I eat. I don't really care much for sauces, dressings. I eat the same veggies over and over again. I won't touch anything with corn syrup in it or very rarely. I decided it was time to rectify this or at least a little. I added veggies to my diet. Veggies that I have either never tried or was scared to try all my life. This includes

Brussel Sprouts


Purple (blue) potatoes

Not pictured but also tried was Jicama.
I also tried twice to make seitan.

The first attempt was horrible. I got the recipe from veg cooking which surprised me because every recipe I've ever used off of the site has been wonderful. I finally found a recipe for pepperoni seitan from fat free vegan and it was wonderful, easy, tasty. I made it twice already. Awesome stuff.

So here is to hoping that 2010 will bring a more healthier me with new veggies and fruits to try. I've got 20lbs more to lose before July so I can look great on my first cruise. I've already lost 18 and that took a little more than a year and a lot of tweaking done to my diet.
May all of you have a great new year and I hope the year brings wonderful new experiences your way.

1 comment:

vegan sugar said...

I have never heard of - or seen - blue potatoes before!! How did you like them and how is one to prepare them?

Congratulations on all your success in becoming healthier! Sounds like you have plenty of time til the cruise - you're going to look fabulous! ^ ^